[Coco] Off Topic-Electronic Magazine

Benoit Bleau benbleau at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 09:55:31 EST 2010

On 11/02/2010 9:39 AM, Joel Ewy wrote:
> paulh96636 at aol.com wrote:
>> I was thinking about the likes of Popular Electronics, 
>> Radio-Electronics, Electronics Hobbyist, Electronics Experimenters 
>> Handbook, & Modern Electronics, of which I have a few old copies.
>> Don't know exactly when these publications ceased or if they still 
>> publish at times, if not monthly, which is why I posed the question.  
>> Thanks for the responses.  I'd heard of Nuts & Volts, but not of 
>> Circuit Cellar and Servo Magazine.     -ph
> Nuts & Volts has been going for quite a few years now.  They started 
> out mostly as classified ads, then added a few articles.  Now they're 
> the closest thing to what Radio-Electronics used to be that I'm aware 
> of.  Servo is their robotics-oriented spin-off.
> I'm also into Make magazine.

Make magazine is definitively a fun one.  I also subscribe to Elektor. 
They used to be a mostly European publication, but last year or so, they 
started an american branch ( elektor-usa.com).


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