[Coco] System gen problem

Aaron Wolfe aawolfe at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 22:52:19 EST 2010

On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 5:51 PM, Steven Hirsch <snhirsch at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 7 Feb 2010, Aaron Wolfe wrote:
>> Something to test: If you have the drivewire server running and the
>> serial cable connected, you should see an OP_RESET when you press the
>> reset button on your Coco.  this doesn't require any software/drivers
>> on the coco, so it's a good way to make sure the cabling and server
>> settings (bps, model, etc) are all OK.
> I am not seeing an OP_RESET.  It shows UNKNOWN(248), but not every time.

248 is equivalent to OP_RESET, recognition of this is added in our new
version.  Not sure why you don't always see it, but sounds like things
are OK then.

> But, per my prior notes, there is no cabling or server issue.  If I select
> the HDB DOS ROM on the floppy controller and restart, it boots just fine
> over the same cabling and against the same server instance.
> Boisy:  Are you listening?  I could use some of your expert guidance :-).
> Steve
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