[Coco] Looking for 720k 3.5in floppy's

Wayne Campbell asa.rand at gmail.com
Tue Dec 28 16:41:55 EST 2010

A quick search for 3.5" double-density 720K floppy disks came up with over 
10 pages of results in the Yahoo search engine. An example is:

http://www.floppydisk.com/ - they have 5.25" and 3.5" disks, double density 
and high density. It seems the smallest order is a pack of 50 for $49.50 
(.99 each)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Todd Wallace" <dragonbytes at cox.net>
To: "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts" <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 1:24 PM
Subject: [Coco] Looking for 720k 3.5in floppy's

> Hey all,
> Several months ago, there was mention on the list of a few sources where u 
> could still order new double density 720k 3.5in floppy disks that would 
> work on a coco.  I can't seem to find those posts and wondered if anyone 
> could repost those sources.  As much as I love DW and other floppy drive 
> simulators, theres some games/applications that ONLY will run from a real 
> disk.  I only have a handful of them here and its frustrating to have to 
> reuse them over and over.  Any help would be appreciated.
> - Todd Wallace
> --
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