[Coco] Missing Digests

Andrew keeper63 at cox.net
Mon Aug 16 11:09:46 EDT 2010

To whom it may concern:

Is there a way to have the list re-send a digest? Because seemingly 
"randomly", I miss a digest or two; I save all the digests I get, and I 
can see several different gaps.

The most recent one (which prompted me to mail this) was prior to this 
digest (Coco Digest, Vol 88, Issue 15), I missed 13 & 14 - apparently 
the ones where Roger detailed his issue (what issue, I don't know yet - 
something having to do with employment, I think - which stinks; I hope 
things turn out well for you, Roger).

I know I can go back and read the messages, but I would like the digests 
that I missed so my "collection" is complete.

Oh well...

-- Andrew L. Ayers, Glendale, Arizona

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