[Coco] [Color Computer] Multi-paks, CoCo II's, accy's, Software, speech pak's need homes

trurotroll peteroswanson at cs.com
Tue Oct 6 05:44:17 EDT 2009

We've sold our house and are moving to smaller quarters.  I have a bunch of CoCo items that I'd like to find a home (or homes)for.
The whole batch of stuff is in southeastern Massachusetts.  Any suggestions or interest?  I'd prefer to move the whole bundle and the "lucky" collector could keep and cull to their heart's content.
I haven't done a formal inventory, but the key items include two multi-packs (one silver case, one white case), a silver Coco I 64K, 
some CoCo II's, and one CoCo III 512K.  RS disk drive (wi double-sided drive installed).  Digital Equipment double drive (single sided) with RS controller, a Speech pak (RS), a Spectrum Projects speech pak, a deluxe joystick, and lots of game paks.
  Standing by for further developments ;-)

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