[Coco] beginning os9 assembler questions

Wayne Campbell asa.rand at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 6 14:37:57 EST 2009

>Sorry if these are basic questions.  I'm just getting started with os9

>What is the preferred file editor?  I have scred from the developers
system and 'edit'.

Edit is a line editor. Scred is a screen oriented editor. I think scred is the editor of choice, though I have never used it.

>Is the basic process 1 create source, 2 assemble with rma, 3 link with rlink?


>I am learning from Rainbow articles and the os9 dev system manual.
Are there other books or guides I should read?

I downloaded a copy of the Motorola 6809 programming manual. It contains all you need to know about the 6809s registers and the assembly mnemonics for it

>Since I am using and targeting nitros9, are there special considerations?

I'm not qualified to answer this question, but I believe there are significant differences between OS-9 and NitrOS-9. I know that some of the commands have different parameters between the OS-9 version and the NitrOS-9 version. Also, the 6309 contains additional instructions not found in the 6809. NitrOS-9 makes use of these, where OS-9 does not.

Hope this helps.


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