[Coco] Resolution, size and usability

Andrew keeper63 at cox.net
Fri May 22 11:21:09 EDT 2009

> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 21:53:00 -0500
> From: Roger Taylor <operator at coco3.com>
> Subject: Re: [Coco] Resolution, size and usability
> To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com>
> Message-ID: < at coco3.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
> A full-length movie in DivX format can be stored in 650mb.  650mb for 
> a PDF is completely unacceptable for me.  Delete.
> A graphics expert needs to be the one converting these copies of 
> Rainbow and other magazines. I see no reason why 64 or even 32 
> dithered colors isn't enough to render these pages down.  I've done 
> it and it looks great.  First convert to 128 or 256 colors, no 
> dithering, repair the coffee stains, specs, blemishes, etc., dither down.

I agree with your sentiments, Roger. The sizes are out of whack, but we 
(likely) don't have a single "expert" who knows what to do to make them 

Maybe the solution is a distributed effort. All of the large files 
should be put into a "raw" directory on the server(s), and people can 
download them, futz with them, then upload the new smaller versions. 
Maybe some way to be able to vote them up or down (ok, now we're getting 
into a site design area - making the problem a little more hairy, 
sorry), then after a period of time, that issue is "frozen", and the 
winner with the most votes gets to be "it" for the final.

Some way would need to be made to preserve the originals - there might 
be a possibility that someone could come along and make a better version 
than the winner (?)...

The file sizes really turned me off to them when I first saw them - the 
time to download them, where and how to store them - it just seemed like 
some fat needed trimming, and I don't have the time to do that 
personally right now.

Something does need to be done, and bickering and arguing over it will 
not help matters in the long run, like you say...

-- Andrew L. Ayers, Glendale, Arizona

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