[Coco] what was done to my modpak Re: modpack hack was Re: Drivewire question

Willard Goosey goosey at virgo.sdc.org
Sun Mar 29 15:05:39 EDT 2009

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 02:22:36PM -0700, Darren A wrote:

> No. It is changing the decoding for the 6551 but does not do it in a
> way that make any sense to me. The last two items seem okay, but not
> the others.

Like I said, it's weird.  I wonder if the guy doing the hack got
confused about which 28-pin chip was which when he was soldering
things to the bottom of the board?
> The proper method (to get the RS232 pak decoding) would be to cut the
> trace from ACIA pin 2 to Rom pin 8. Then connect Rom pin 8 to pin 1 of
> the 7404 and ACIA pin 2 to pin 2 of the 7404.

Thanks for the info.

Willard Goosey  goosey at sdc.org
Socorro, New Mexico, USA
I search my heart and find Cimmeria, land of Darkness and the Night.
  -- R.E. Howard

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