[Coco] Amazing video of a large vintage computer collection

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sat Mar 14 01:07:50 EDT 2009

On Saturday 14 March 2009, Arthur Flexser wrote:
>Thanks, Gene.  I was most likely mistaken.  Possibly, I was thinking
>of a CoCo where someone had painted it black after removing the
>original paint.
That is always a possibility.  It seems that for the last 15 years, one can 
have his electronics in any color, as long as its black...  Then you have to 
get out a 200 watt lamp just to be able to read the raised printing around the 
darned jacks to make sure you plug it in right.  I don't know how others feel, 
but that scene to me is a PIMA.

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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	A smallish city located just below the `O' in Colorado.

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