[Coco] Coco to PC cable

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Thu Mar 12 00:03:41 EDT 2009

On Wednesday 11 March 2009, John W. Linville wrote:
>On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 06:50:41PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Wednesday 11 March 2009, John W. Linville wrote:
>> >On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 03:42:43PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> >> On a secondary note, the usb bluetooth keys have arrived, and I'm a bit
>> >> confused as the kernel doesn't seem to recognize the makers code &
>> >> doesn't load the right drivers for it.
>> >
>> >Doh!  That sucks...  What is the USB ID?
>> Bus 002 Device 005: ID 0e5e:6622
>> >John
>> Thanks John, specially if you can figure an alias. :)
>It looks like the btusb driver claims support for that.

I enabled that for the last build too.

>It is
>selected by CONFIG_BT_HCIBTUSB, which is turned-on by default in
>Fedora kernels.  This is the newer HCI USB Bluetooth driver, which
>supercedes the older hci_usb driver (selected by CONFIG_BT_HCIUSB).
>Are you using a stock Fedora kernel?  If not, make sure you are using
>CONFIG_BT_HCIBTUSB (and not CONFIG_BT_HCIUSB) in your .config file.
A step in the right direction I believe.


From the 2.6.29-rc7/.config
[root at coyote linux-2.6.29-rc7]# grep CONFIG_BT_HCIBTUSB .config

In fact:
[root at coyote linux-2.6.29-rc7]# grep CONFIG_BT .config
# CONFIG_BTRFS_FS is not set

Humm, looks like I missed one.  Or did I, is it even related
to bluetooth stuffs?  Sounds like one of those specialty filesystems.

And on the reboot, it did create 2 more /dev/hidraw (1 & 2) devices, but no
/dev/hci* are to be found.  Am I looking for the wrong device?

[root at coyote misc]# cat /dev/hidraw2
-.4d5x<=>-.4d5x<=>-.4d5x<=>-.4d5x<=>-.4d5x<=>-.4d5x<^C <- is about 10 seconds
[root at coyote misc]# echo -n '-.4d5x<=>' >/dev/hidraw1
bash: echo: write error: Broken pipe

In fact, anything along those lines is a broken pipe.

I saw, in another message, a cli example I tried:
[root at coyote linux-2.6.29-rc7]# hciconfig hci0 version
hci0:   Type: USB
        BD Address: 11:11:11:11:11:11 ACL MTU: 672:3 SCO MTU: 48:1
        HCI Ver: 2.0 (0x3) HCI Rev: 0x1f4 LMP Ver: 2.0 (0x3) LMP Subver: 0x1f4
        Manufacturer: CONWISE Technology Corporation Ltd (66)

It turns out that this hciconfig has quite an extensive menu:
[root at coyote linux-2.6.29-rc7]# hciconfig --help
hciconfig - HCI device configuration utility    
        hciconfig [-a] hciX [command]           
        up                      Open and initialize HCI device
        down                    Close HCI device
        reset                   Reset HCI device
        rstat                   Reset statistic counters
        auth                    Enable Authentication
        noauth                  Disable Authentication
        encrypt                 Enable Encryption
        noencrypt               Disable Encryption
        piscan                  Enable Page and Inquiry scan
        noscan                  Disable scan
        iscan                   Enable Inquiry scan
        pscan                   Enable Page scan
        ptype      [type]       Get/Set default packet type
        lm         [mode]       Get/Set default link mode
        lp         [policy]     Get/Set default link policy
        name       [name]       Get/Set local name
        class      [class]      Get/Set class of device
        voice      [voice]      Get/Set voice setting
        iac        [iac]        Get/Set inquiry access code
        inqtpl     [level]      Get/Set inquiry transmit power level
        inqmode    [mode]       Get/Set inquiry mode
        inqdata    [data]       Get/Set inquiry data
        inqtype    [type]       Get/Set inquiry scan type
        inqparms   [win:int]    Get/Set inquiry scan window and interval
        pageparms  [win:int]    Get/Set page scan window and interval
        pageto     [to]         Get/Set page timeout
        afhmode    [mode]       Get/Set AFH mode
        sspmode    [mode]       Get/Set Simple Pairing Mode
        aclmtu     <mtu:pkt>    Set ACL MTU and number of packets
        scomtu     <mtu:pkt>    Set SCO MTU and number of packets
        putkey     <bdaddr>     Store link key on the device
        delkey     <bdaddr>     Delete link key from the device
        oobdata                 Display local OOB data
        commands                Display supported commands
        features                Display device features
        version                 Display version information
        revision                Display revision information

will this be helpful?  However an 'up' didn't return an error and did not 
create any new /dev/ices either.

Poking around in /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/2-5* with ls, I get:
[root at coyote linux-2.6.29-rc7]# ls /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/2-5*
2-5.1       bcdDevice            bDeviceSubClass  bNumConfigurations  
descriptors  ep_00      power      uevent        version
2-5:1.0     bConfigurationValue  bmAttributes     bNumInterfaces      dev          
idProduct  quirks     urbnum
2-5.3       bDeviceClass         bMaxPacketSize0  busnum              devnum       
idVendor   speed      usb_device
authorized  bDeviceProtocol      bMaxPower        configuration       driver       
maxchild   subsystem  usb_endpoint

2-5.1:1.0   bConfigurationValue  bmAttributes        bNumInterfaces  dev     
idProduct  quirks     urbnum
2-5.1:1.1   bDeviceClass         bMaxPacketSize0     busnum          devnum  
idVendor   speed      usb_device
authorized  bDeviceProtocol      bMaxPower           configuration   driver  
maxchild   subsystem  usb_endpoint
bcdDevice   bDeviceSubClass      bNumConfigurations  descriptors     ep_00   
power      uevent     version

2-5.3:1.0            bDeviceClass     bMaxPacketSize0     busnum         
devnum     idVendor  quirks     uevent        version
authorized           bDeviceProtocol  bMaxPower           configuration  
driver     maxchild  serial     urbnum
bcdDevice            bDeviceSubClass  bNumConfigurations  descriptors    ep_00      
power     speed      usb_device
bConfigurationValue  bmAttributes     bNumInterfaces      dev            
idProduct  product   subsystem  usb_endpoint

So while there doesn't seem to be a correct /dev/icename, it does seem to know 
about it.

Your turn. :)

Thanks John.

Cheers, Gene
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