[Coco] NEC Multi-Sync II

James Hrubik jimhrubik at earthlink.net
Thu Mar 26 13:03:15 EDT 2009

Richard Crislip --

If you are going to the Fest, would you have room to take a NEC Multi- 
Sync II for the Glenside auction?  I got it from my son-in-law (who  
was using it for his old Macs).  It is missing the base, and has no  
cords, so I have not tested it.  However, it was working just before  
it was given to me.  It has been sitting in my office for several  
years.  My intent was to either (1) make up a cable to hook it to a  
CoCo and/or (2) take it to Chicago for the auction, but I don't have  
the time for either one of those.

If you are going, and have the room, and want to haul it, please let  
me know.  I can drop it off at your house.

James C. Hrubik, Sr., RAA
Appraisal & Appraisal Review
Consulting & Litigation Support
V/F-(330)745-8435 : C-(330)472-3023
email : jimhrubik at earthlink.net
info : http://www.hrubikappraisal.com
blog : http://hrubikappraisal.blogspot.com/

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