[Coco] GIME chip data collection

Nick Marentes nickma at optusnet.com.au
Wed Jun 17 07:28:39 EDT 2009

I am trying to create a log of chip identification information of the 
CoCo3's GIME chip.

On the top of all GIME chips will be labelling similar to the following...

629 V  C030
(c) TANDY 1986
KOREA      A

This is taken from my GIME chip as an example.

Also include the manufacturer logo. Mine is  "VTI".

So as not to clog this list with these e-mails, please send the data to 
my home e-mail of:

nickma at optusnet.com.au

The purpose of this to try and see if I can create some sort of GIME 
version map, ascertain how many versions of the GIME are out there and 
if there are any unique versions floating around.

Nick Marentes

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