[Coco] [Color Computer] Telnet program?

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Fri Jul 24 13:57:38 EDT 2009

On Friday 24 July 2009, richec wrote:
>> Actually, weren't there two?  I believe Peter did one time also.
>Touche.. ya go tme on that one 8-)
>I was just beginning to learn CoCo assembler when I became side tracked with
>the Amiga. Never tried it on the Amiga. Amiga BASIC seemed brain damaged
>compared to the CoCo so I stopped that too. Then when AOS2 came out,
>AmigeBASIC was broken so that as they say ended that.
AOS2 started using full 32 bit addressing, and that broke the microsoft 
written basic in to little bitty pieces.  Microsoft had been told that they 
should not use the upper 8 bits as data storage, but they did anyway cuz the 
machines were so darned cramped for memory as shipped.  So the instant you 
tried to run that basic on a cpu with a full 32 bit bondout, blowup city.  
That was any cpu in the 68k family greater than the 68000.  AOS2 & bigger 
faster cpus from the aftermarket folks wrapped around then in State College PA 
were that basics death sentence.  And most of us figured that was just one 
more brick in the wall of evidence confirming that M$ was a 2 bit company that 
couldn't stand 1 bit of competition.  Still can't.

Everything that someone subcontracted to them that I know about was poisoned 
by similar tactics and probably explains, if truth be known, why the Microsoft 
written original rsdos/rsbasic, was subsequently patched for the coco3 by the 
3 musketeers, who I believe were then employed by MicroWare at the time.

>I do want to begin on learning CoCo assembler again, but time is not on my
>side at the moment. The job is getting in the way 8-)

It is still an excellent teacher, showing students the basics of how an 
assembler works.
Microsoft has made 2 code releases under the gpl2 license recently, both 
driven by their being caught with their collective fingers in the gpl cookie 
jar.  Court decisions upholding that license over the last few years seems to 
have taught M$ that if they were sued, and it was coming to that, that they 
would lose.  So they did the only thing they could do and released what they 
stole and modified under the gpl2. Then bragged about being the New Microsoft.  
But looking in the leapord cage, I still see the same old spots.

Nice, but the gpl2 does not warrant against patents whereas gpl3 does, so sure 
as God made little green apples, there are now patent fishhooks buried in the 
code they release, playing up the good guy part to the hilt.  The only linux 
folks looking at that code right now are the legal types, looking for the 
fishhooks.  I wouldn't touch it with a 20 foot fiberglass pole till the 
legal's say its clean.

That patent warranty in the gpl3 is the main reason the linux kernel is still, 
and will be till Linus gets hit by a bus, gpl2, without the 'or any later 
version' clause.  Its still a good license.

Cheers, Gene
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