[Coco] Magazines and Indexes

Dean Leiber adit at nationsdial.com
Thu Jul 23 00:23:47 EDT 2009

On Jul 19, 2009, at 9:31 AM, Paul Fitch wrote:

>  I just realized I'm missing the August 1994 issue of the BUG  
> newsletter.
> Its not on Malted.  Anyone have that scanned so I can put it in the
> database?  Plus, I'd like my collection to be complete.  I've found  
> the BUG
> newsletter to be highly informative.  Rodger Alexander did an  
> outstanding
> job keeping the quality and content to a very high standard over  
> the four
> years it was published.


I'm afraid that the Aug '94 issue is missing. I did the scanning and  
apparently I'm the only person in the CoCo community who actually has  
any of the physical magazines (at least no one has ever admitted to  
having any.) BTW, the last issue should have an index for all the  
issues. BUG also published an OS-9 tutorial as well.


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