[Coco] xpad and hi-speed?

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Wed Jul 15 20:56:29 EDT 2009

On Wednesday 15 July 2009, Willard Goosey wrote:
>OK, I know the X-Pad doesn't work at 2MHz.
>But does anybody know if running the CoCo at 2MHz is bad for the X-Pad
>while it's hooked up, but not actually being accessed?
>I was playing around with the X-Pad and some BASIC software that can
>use it.  The program normally runs at double speed, but slows down
>when it uses the X-Pad.
>But after a while, the X-Pad started freaking out, sending bogus
>data.  Resetting would help for a few minutes, but then it would crash
>It may have just been overheating (Socorro's LOWS have been in the
>80's!) but now I'm worried I might have damaged my X-Pad. :-(

This thing is gettin on toward applying for SS in electronics years & could 
have some ailments after 20 years.

Open it up Willard, and see if any of the small electrolytic caps have either 
leaked, or the tops are slightly bulged up.  Failing that, have somebody with 
a capacitance meter check and replace any that are down to half the label in 
capacitance.  The ideal however isn't the capacitance, its the ESR, but the 
cap meter will catch 60% of them.  For ESR, the gizmo is called a Capacitor 
Wizard, it gets them all.  Or just replace them all, they aren't that 
expensive, buck or so apiece.

Cheers, Gene
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