[Coco] Disto SC add-ons

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Fri Jan 2 20:19:09 EST 2009

On Friday 02 January 2009, Roger Taylor wrote:
>At 12:35 AM 1/2/2009, you wrote:
>>Try this link Roger:
>>The article is called "Increasing Character Display".
>I suppose the article came before Tony actually built the SC version
>of that project.  I'm not sure the board is worth messing with right
>now considering I still don't know what header pins the video signals
>are on and exactly what type of monitor (obtainable today) would work
>with it.  It does sound ideal for giving 80 columns on a CoCo 1/2
>from OS-9, or giving dual 80-column displays on a CoCo 3.

I don't happen to have a set of specs on that particular crt controller Roger, 
but I would suspect a simple doubling of the dot clock crystal would make it 
compatible with vga, which needs a minimum h rate of 31.5Khz.  That would 
make it a 29 Mhz crystal I believe.  That might however, need a 2x faster 
character data rom too.  My WP-RS was running on the usual 14.x Mhz crystal, 
but with reworked blanking and sync times so it ran at about 18Khz h rate, 
and 70 Hz v rate.  A Maggy 12" PC Monitor 80 was happy as a clam running at 
that speed for over a decade once the h oscillator coil slug was backed out 
for the higher sweep rate.  That all served to make the display much bigger 
and more easily read, which was the main idea.

Cheers, Gene
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