[Coco] cocotape.exe available by request

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Fri Jan 9 22:31:00 EST 2009

Until I post my cocotape.exe program online, anybody wanting a copy 
of 1.0 can reply and I'll e-mail you a copy.

CoCoTape is the easiest but slowest method for transferring files 
from your PC to your CoCo over a cassette cable.  Plug your cassette 
cable black plug into the Speaker Out jack of your laptop or 
PC.  Type CLOAD or CLOADM on the CoCo, type: cocotape somefile 
-options  on the PC, and the file will CLOAD into the CoCo.

Your PC's sound has to be adjusted right, usually around 50% volume 
and with special effects off.
Roger Taylor


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