[Coco] Sneak peek

Steven Hirsch snhirsch at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 10:37:00 EST 2009

On Sun, 15 Feb 2009, Mark Marlette wrote:

> Even so, if one knows the CoCo/MPI well enough, you just make your own. :)
> GAL16V8, can't stick a whole lot of smarts in those chips.

I was just being pedantic :-).

As a practical matter, there's no shortage of these things out there. 
The last two I picked up were $35 (eBay) and cost-of-shipping 


>>> Hasn't the patent expired on the MPI design so someone can replicate that 
>>> thing and put it into production again?
>> I seriously doubt that Tandy held patents on the MPI.  If you squint, the 
>> PAL equations used in the small beige unit might be subject to copyright 
>> protection, but that's even a stretch.
>> The major challenge in cloning the MPI is the mechanical aspect.


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