[Coco] [Color Computer] rainbow november 1991 uploading

stinger30au stinger30au at yahoo.com.au
Mon Feb 16 05:11:10 EST 2009

will be finsihed in about 1 hour

this morning i reuploaded march 1991

i found there was a file size mismatch with the file on my pc and the
file at excalibur1

all fixxed now 

im currently scanning december 1991 rainbow

i then have janurary and feburary 1992 at my finger tips to be scanned

after these two are scanned i will be rescanning may,june,july 1991
rainbows and reuploading to excalibur1

the reason being is that i reckon i have not got scanning in colour to
pdf down to a fine art and looking at those issues compared to what i
can produce now, they look like garbage

so, keep your eyes peeled for the rescans

i will also rename the files to rainbow.july.1991.rescan as to avoid

after those are done i will be taking a trip down memeory lane and
scan the missing 1984 rainbows as i have the full set of those too


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