[Coco] [Color Computer] Hitachi 6309 questions

David Bush twixt at cstone.net
Wed Feb 11 13:52:41 EST 2009

Where can I get a 6309 upgrade pack for my 512K CoCo 3? I would like
to be able to run it at 3.5 MHz at least, preferably 5 MHz. Can the
CoCo memory and the rest of the motherboard handle such speeds?

NitrOS-9 looks great, but there is also a lot of great CoCo software
out there designed for RS-DOS. Specifically, Max-10 word processor,
CoCoMax 3 graphics editor, and lots of games. I understand the 6309
has an emulation mode versus a native mode, but how does the user
switch between these modes? Could 6809 software inadvertently switch
modes, resulting in possibly buggy behavior?



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