[Coco] The Coco's first webserver, written in Basic09

Christian Lesage hyperfrog at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 01:16:22 EST 2009

Wayne Campbell wrote:
> The converter would be easy to write, yes. But Basic09 is not a script 
> language like javascript. That code would have to be loaded into 
> Basic09 to be run, and that is a waste of memory, and is slower than 
> running packed procedures from the command line with RunB. It would be 
> the same as running Visual Studio every time you created a c++ source 
> file.

This is why I wrote "you compile the resulting PROCEDURE into bytecode, 
and it becomes the active page that the server RUNs whenever it needs to 
display it". What's wrong with that? I admit I haven't programmed in 
BASIC09 for the last 20 years, so you certainly know a lot more than I 
do about how it uses memory. But the manual says RUN "can also be used 
to call a previously compiled (by the PACK command) procedure", so it 
seems like a logical choice to me.

Besides, you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. I think the 
question is: "What would waste the most resources?" Writing an 
interpreter within the interpreter, or using the one you already have?

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