[Coco] DriveWire Update

Boisy G. Pitre boisy at tee-boy.com
Wed Dec 23 14:06:02 EST 2009


I've updated our DriveWire 3 web page at Cloud-9 (direct link: http://www.frontiernet.net/~mmarlette/Cloud-9/Software/DriveWire3.html)

Under free downloads, you will see the first link has changed to: "DriveWire 3 HDB-DOS and DW3DOS ROM Images, cassette files and track files"

Download the ZIP file and you will be presented with WAV files for HDB-DOS DW for the CoCo 1, 2 and 3, as well as WAV files for DW3DOS.  ROM and LOADMable files for all of these are also in the archive.  This is the whole kit and kaboodle, so have fun with it.

I'll start working on instructions on how to set up DriveWire on this page.

Thanks go to Aaron and Jim for making me do all of this extra work today :)  Kidding aside, this is what I envisioned DriveWire to be: an extensible protocol that could accommodate a number of different features.  Thanks to community participation from the likes of Aaron, Jim, Darren and others, it's turning out to be more than I expected.  Good job everyone.
Boisy G. Pitre

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