[Coco] wanting to patch HPUT routine... (ping RG!)

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Sun Aug 16 07:57:14 EDT 2009

theother_bob wrote:
> I'm experimenting with speeding up the cursor drawing routine in Color FOG. I've found that while I can get faster results with HPUT, it actually looks a bit more "flickery" due to the process...
> Original method was to HPUT a box erasing the old cursor, then HDRAW the cursor in the new location. HDRAW benchmarks @ 200 timer clicks/100 cursor drawing cycles (obviously dependent on complexity of cursor. I use three colors but kept it small and drawn efficiently.)
> Modified routine uses HPUT to put cursor on the screen, but requires more overhead... one HBUFF with a 00/FF mask of the cursor, HPUT with AND option, followed by HPUT real cursor with OR option. Benchmarks at <150 timer clicks/100 double-HPUTs, but looks a little more flickery as a solid black cursor is placed and then the "colored in" cursor in a follow-up HPUT command.
> My goal is to speed up the process to a single HPUT operation. Basically I want to support "transparency" in HPUT by ignoring pixels of palette 0.
> One approach would be to intercept one of the options and make a new HPUT routine that compares pixels to 0, ignoring if 0, basically using PSET option if non 0. I'm thinking this would probably be a semi-complex subroutine compared to my next thought...
> I suppose an easier way would be to intercept one of the options. Maybe HPUT the mask but hijack the exit from AND at $EF04 and then (without returning to Basic) increment the HBUFF number, set the OR option flag and re-run the same HPUT command (reset X,Y locations?). This would just require two HBUFFers, mask and cursor, to be defined adjacently.
> Thoughts? Coding help?
> TIA,
> Bob

The ROM code for HPUT is fairly complex. Modifying it to include more 
options can only make it run slower.
The only thing I can vaguely remember is that keeping HPUT boundaries 
exactly equal to bytes lets the routine run faster because the 
conversion of pixels to bytes is faster.

If the above is true, I'd suggest trying to ensure that for the 
particular HSCREEN in use, your HBUFF and HPUT routines use rectangles 
which are exact byte multiples. So for example, if you are in HSCREEN2 - 
a 16 color mode - your HPUT box should be x*2pixels wide. Put another 
way, in HSCREEN2 you should find:
10 HPUT (0,0)-(6,5),1,OR    0,1,2,3,4,5,6    3.5 bytes wide
is slower than
10 HPUT (0,0)-(7,5),1,OR    0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7  4.0 bytes wide
even though the second is larger.

I did try a brief test of the above commands timed in a FOR/NEXT loop of 
  1 to 10000. I did not use TIMER but a real time clock. Each loop took 
20 seconds for no discernible difference.

Want to post the exact code you ran tests on, so we can see how it works 
for us?

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