[Coco] RAINBOW vinyl records?

William Schaub wschaub at steubentech.com
Fri Aug 14 10:28:30 EDT 2009

Christian Lesage wrote:
> L. Curtis Boyle wrote:
>> Or, if you had an earphone Jack on your record player, you could plug 
>> the black cable from the cassette cable into it, and CLOAD it from 
>> there, like I did.
> Hey, you know what it means? The CoCo probably was the computer with 
> the less expensive "disk drive" back in 1983! :)
Not only that but if I recall correctly it loads from tape (and floppy) 
a lot faster than some other machines contemporary to it like the C64. 
which had amazingly slow disk and tape. (there are hacks to speed up the 
1541 but still its pretty slow)

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