[Coco] good news

William Schaub wschaub at steubentech.com
Tue Aug 11 07:50:12 EDT 2009

Wayne Campbell wrote:
> I have been making good progress on recovering the source to DCom by manually de-coding the i-code, but it's been a long, tedious affair. Then, today, I get the best news. The original source code documents still exist! I have already retrieved the binder. I don't have a scanner, so it's manual typing to get it all on my laptop. That should keep me busy for a long time. There is alot to type.
> Best news yet! The original printout of the header file to Basic09 (that Boisy sent me) is intact and in great condition. Now I can use the data included in it as a means of identifying everything I possibly can. I have found, in the course of my work so far, that there are internal tokens I can identify now, but could not then. There are others I have yet to identify, so the header to Basic09 should help there.
> Wayne
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That is great news!  I am not big into OS9 but I love to hear about 
history being being preserved and it sounds like your tool will be quite 
useful for those of us still using a pretty much dead system.

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