[Coco] A bit more of CoCo history dies...

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Thu Aug 6 16:13:59 EDT 2009

On Thursday 06 August 2009, Stephen H. Fischer wrote:
>You are missing my point, how is the next generation of Electrical Engineers
>going to get started?

That is the pure heart of the matter right there Stephen, at least for the 
sort of engineer I was/am, one who wasn't then a board swapper, but ran the 
problem down to the part that failed and replaced that part.  I was quite 
adept with a scope probe by the time I celebrated my 17th birthday, and a 
month or so worth of 9th grade was as far as I got, I went out to fix tv's for 
a living.

>I got my first interest in electronics in a very small town (~700) in
>Wisconsin where there was a TV store and repair business I worked for a
>short time.

Chuckle, my town was over in Iowa, about 250 people, had a hardware store that 
sold the first tv ever sold there in town.  As for service shop, nada, this 15 
year old boy was already fixing the simpler stuff, and probably did at least 
20% of the fixing that was done, the rest were usually shoved in the trunk and 
taken to some shop in Des Moines IA, about 50 miles or a little less.  I fixed 
that first tv a couple of times, an RCA 630TS.


Cheers, Gene
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