[Coco] coco sub 64k memory modes

Stephen Adolph twospruces at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 12:07:05 EDT 2009

Hi Darren,
Really?  to me this implies that the 8k roms get copied to upper RAM
on power up.  That appears to happen quickly.


So, with a coco3 I can easily apply ROM patches, or even just wipe it
clean and shove in a new rom, then jump to the appropriate address to
restart non-destructively.


On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Darren A<mechacoco at gmail.com> wrote:

> First off, if you are using a CoCo 3 then it runs in All RAM mode by
> default, so there usually isn't any need to do this.

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