[Coco] question about FD-501 and coco3

Stephen Adolph twospruces at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 16:07:19 EDT 2009

That's good, because it seems to work.

Now I just have to figure out how to make a 28pin DIP socket for dos
upgrade.  The schematic search begins...

I guess my set up will be

Standard coco3, 128k, with HD63C09/protector/512k upgrade.
FD-501 controller, with HDBDOS for drivewire from Cloud9
a standard 2 floppy external drive enclosure
remote PC for .DSK access via drivewire

Seems reasonable.  any comments?
What would be a good addition for storage?


On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Darren A<mechacoco at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/1/09, Paul Fitch  wrote:
>> The Coco3 doesn't supply 12 volts for the disk controller.  You need a
>> Multipak, or the newer coco2 style disk controller and drives.
> Yes, but the FD-501 does not require 12 volts.
> Darren
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