[Coco] OS-9 environment variables?

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Wed Apr 15 21:22:44 EDT 2009

At 06:25 PM 4/15/2009, you wrote:
>Allen Huffman wrote:
>>On Apr 15, 2009, at 11:39 AM, Roger Taylor wrote:
>>>Is the data guaranteed to be there after hitting Reset?
>>No. It would be like environment variables on DOS, etc. where they 
>>are just named values you can set and read between programs.
>>However, due to implementing it in a DATA MODULE on OS-9, there 
>>would be the capability to write them to disk, and restore on the next boot.
>>RESET causes the system to reload, yes?
>>>Tell me, is this going to be easier that having a file on disk (or in myram,
>>>copied there by the startup script) along with a cron job to check & see if
>>I was not planning any such thing. The user would be responsible 
>>for saving data if it was important to them. What operating systems 
>>provide environment variables that are maintained between reboots? 
>>I have not worked with any that did that, so I didn't even know 
>>that was an option.

Windows still retains that feature.

Roger Taylor


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