[Coco] My CoCo plans - Looking for advice and insight.

Jim Cox nutz4coco at gmail.com
Sun Apr 5 15:12:07 EDT 2009

Hi Boisy,

Yes, I took Frank's statement to mean that I will need a Disk Drive to load
HDB-DOS to the flash (CF card?) on the SuperIDE, but after that, I should
only need it for when I move files from the Host PC to the CF card (as per
Frank's second email) and for applications that may have issues with using
DW, but I don't expect many of those.

I do plan to keep the crowd informed.  As sick as it sounds, now that the
Sun is out in the Seattle area, I feel like diving in to my CoCo again.  SAD
isn't it (SAD pun intended :-)


Jim Cox

On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Boisy Pitre <boisy at tee-boy.com> wrote:

> Jim,
> I don't want to spoil the fun, because going through the exercise is a neat
> experience, as you noted.  But as Frank stated, you will need a floppy drive
> to at least get HDB-DOS setup and burned into the flash of the SuperIDE.
> Keep us posted on your progress.
> Regards,
> Boisy G. Pitre
> --
> Tee-Boy
> Mobile: 337.781.3570
> Email: boisy at tee-boy.com
> Web: http://www.tee-boy.com
> On Apr 5, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Jim Cox wrote:
>  Hi Frank,
>> Yeah, I figured I would need a disk drive to set up the SuperIDE with
>> HBD-DOS, and NitrOS-9.  After that is done, I should only need to use a
>> disk
>> drive locally only if I am not using Drive Wire, or at least that is my
>> hope.
>> I believe some Basic programs may require a local disk drive, but those
>> are
>> mostly games from what I have picked up from the list.
>> Cheers,
>> Jim Cox
>> http://miba51.blogspot.com/
>> http://geekswhocare.blogspot.com/
>> http://8-bit-retro-computing.blogspot.com/
>> On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Frank Pittel <fwp at deepthought.com>
>> wrote:
>>> You will need at least one floppy drive to set things up. The setup
>>> program
>>> for hdb dos will help you the offset. I would also suggest that you
>>> install
>>> the hdb-dos rom image in one of the flash banks on your Superide. This
>>> way
>>> you can start your coco and access the superide without a floppy.
>>> Frank
>>> On Sun, Apr 05, 2009 at 09:51:31AM -0700, Jim Cox wrote:
>>>> My plan is to set up my CoCo system so that it will boot into HBD-D0S
>>> and/or
>>>> NitrOS-9 from a SuperIDE.  I know I need to load the images of HBD-DOS /
>>>> NitrOS-9 onto a CF card connected to my SuperIDE.
>>>> Once the CoCo has booted up, I then want it to be able to connect my
>>>> CoCo
>>>> system to a PC via DriveWire.  The host PC is a Dell GX100 with Windows
>>>> 2000, and has the ability to recognize 360K 5 1/4 and 720K 3 1/3 drives.
>>> I
>>>> plan to run MESS and VCC on this PC, and possibly other emulators and
>>>> development apps.
>>>> I don't want anyone to tell me how to do this, because that would take
>>> the
>>>> fun out of it.  What I could use though is some advice and insight about
>>>> what I need to consider when setting up the CoCo system as I described.
>>>> I know that RTFMs will be required, so no need to repeat that :-)
>>>> How helpful will an MPI be in this configuration?  Should I also connect
>>>> disk drives to the CoCo?  Any hints about driver issues?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jim Cox
>>>> http://miba51.blogspot.com/
>>>> http://geekswhocare.blogspot.com/
>>>> http://8-bit-retro-computing.blogspot.com/
>>>> --
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>>>> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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>>> Coco mailing list
>>> Coco at maltedmedia.com
>>> http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco
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>> Coco mailing list
>> Coco at maltedmedia.com
>> http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco
> --
> Coco mailing list
> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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