[Coco] CoCo Video Player Project

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Fri Apr 3 08:31:08 EDT 2009

On Apr 3, 2009, at 2:57 AM, Mark McDougall wrote:
> I'm usually all for these "because we can" exercises (and guilty of  
> a few myself) but I must admit that I don't really see the point in  
> this one at all. There's nothing particularly technically  
> challenging - just streaming pre-formatted data to video memory off  
> disk - and the results, 16 colours at whatever resolution is  
> supported by the bandwidth, wouldn't be particularly exciting.

To get attention.

"Video Player for TRS-80" would probably get a bit of hits in the blog- 
o-sphere, and help us call attention to the impending 30th Anniversary.

Promotion is all about gimmicks, and playing video on a 30 year old  
obsolete computer sure is gimmicky. It would make a heck of a demo :-)  
even if what is going on behind the scenes is not very complex.

		-- A

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