[Coco] OT: ummmm... OS-9 computer system pictures for yourviewing pleasure.

George Ramsower georgeramsower at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 19:14:10 EDT 2008

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "richec"
> Oooh my gawd!  I want one <drool 8-)_>
I think it would be kinda cool to have one because of it's uniqueness but, 
you can have the same thing with a 512K CC3.

In OS9-L2, I built a boot disk without the VDG driver, CC3IO or anything to 
do with the keyboard and video.

> This was many years ago.<

Renamed /T2  to /TERM. I used a Kimtron KT7 terminal for this application, 
connected to the /T2 port at 9600 baud.

It's cool to see OS9 BOOT sitting on the monitor while OS-9 is booting up. 
All the stuff we see on the CM-8 is now showing up on the external terminal. 
What's even more cool is when  OS9 uses the memory the VDG is parked on. I 
got to watch the screen display junk that is stuff OS9 is using.

The keyboard scanning is gone. The PIA is now a NEW port for whatever you 
wish to use it for.

I suppose this sort of thing would make OS9 on a 64K coco have more memory 

I think(I don't know) that the coco would be somewhat faster without the 
keyboard scanning.

Since I do all my programs in Basic09, I wrote my software to poll the 
terminal to see what I'm connected to and I wrote a routine to do the same 
thing as GFX2 does, but for the appropriate terminal. The Kimtron would 
respond to a querry and my software would use the appropriate B09 driver to 
control the cursor. In this case, GFX was replaced with KT7.

That was FUN!!!


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