[Coco] CLOAD without ?IO ERROR

Aaron Banerjee spam_proof at verizon.net
Sat Sep 20 12:12:20 EDT 2008

I may have already posted it before, but with the talk about cassettes  
recently, thought I'd post it again.

This little piece of code was originally written for my (very very  
old) coco.  I'm not sure if it works on a Coco3.

1  FOR X = 42136 TO 42301
2  POKE X-21136, PEEK(X)
4  POKE 157,82
5  POKE 158,8
6  POKE 21075, 33

Note that lines 5 and 6 just set up the EXEC vector address.   Line 6  
is the important one that pokes a NOP over what would have otherwise  
stopped the cassette and given you an error.

This was written based on a ROM that happened to be in my original  
coco (ECB 1.0).  CLOAD came out of the non-extended BASIC chip, which  
who knows if it is the same in the Coco3.  You won't somehow harm your  
computer or your tape by trying this program out (unless you press  

This program should run on any color computer that has at least 32K.   
There's really no reason why it couldn't be rewritten to function on  
any coco, even a 4K one..  If anyone has a version that might work  
with a more "modern" (as if there is such a thing) coco, feel free to  
update this...
                                                 - Aaron

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