[Coco] OS9-L2 vs NitrOS9

George Ramsower georgeramsower at gmail.com
Sat Sep 20 01:31:40 EDT 2008

 I'm curious about this:

 Nitros9 is somewhat faster than OS9 and requires a Hitachi 6309 chip. Of 
course, there's Nitros9-6809 but still, it's Nitros9.

 In recent times, some folks have introduced new hardware which is really 
cool stuff but, the drivers and whatever other software provided in the 
package claim to be  Nitros9 stuff.

 There are a few of these hardware things that interest me. Next month, I'm 
getting three of those Pupo style? keyboard things to put a PC type keyboard 
on a coco.  It's a Plug-N-Play thing that will work. I'm almost out of 
keyboards now.  I think it's Cloud 9 that handles or makes those. It would 
eliminate that darned, fat and cumbersome ribbon cable I use to relocate the 
Coco keyboard.

 The vendors which have other products that interest me, advertise they 
provide Nitros9 drivers.

 This is why I haven't acquired any of the latter items available to date. I 
have asked the vendors if those drivers would work on my OS9 L2 system and 
haven't received replies.

  So there are two questions in this post...

 1. Will a Nitros9 driver work on a Mircroware OS9 system on a 64K CC  or a 
 2. Have we abandoned OS-9?

  I suppose if #1 is FALSE and  #2 is TRUE, then I'm in real trouble. I 
think it would take me months to convert to Nitros9, given the time I have 
available. I'm using three cocos at this time. One has a hard drive, the CNC 
coco is not just a CNC coco. The ports are versatile and I have numerous OS9 
boot disks with special boot files, startups and software(B09) dedicated to 
the task at hand. Some use graphics. Converting all this stuff to Nitros9 
would be a monumental task I think. The third coco is a 64K unit and does 
simple tasks for my house. I use OS9 on that one also. I have about a dozen 
special boot disks for that one.  The computer with the hard drive only has 
three. The CNC coco has now has fourteen boot disks. Only two operate the 
milling machine. The rest do suff like  operate my darkroom/enlarger, 
monitoring the weather(looking for water), turning lights on and off... and 

 Heck! It seems I"m being left in the dust behind the pack while using OS9 
L2...... Dangit!


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