[Coco] Linux RBF filesystem support

Charlie chazbeenhad at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 27 12:26:35 EDT 2008

Chuck you are simply an ass.
The point is that you have no right to be going around calling people a
It certantly isn't needed in a group like this. You can type forever, you
will never be justified in doing so.
Like I said "who gives a shit about you anyway" and lets add "or your


"Chuck Youse" <cyouse at serialtechnologies.com>
wrote in message
news:1225111153.13182.106.camel at dev.serialtechnologies.com...
> On Sun, 2008-10-26 at 22:29 -0400, Charlie wrote:
> > Hey, as the father of an autistic child I don't appreciate you throwing
> > around the retarded thing as an insult.You can't begin to understand the
> > pain a parent feels daily when faced with the reality of a mental
> > If you think its a waste of your money...fine. Who gives a shit about
> > anyway.... But please find a more intelligent way to insult people.
> 1. If your kid is a drooling mess who can't speak, there's no point in
> wasting resources in the hope that one day, maybe, they'll be able to
> "contribute to society" by working at McDonald's.  In other words, if
> there's cognitive impairment, we can't fix that, so why do we bother?
> 2. If you kid has actually got working gray matter, then let them sink
> or swim.  The ones with mettle will swim, and will learn valuable
> lessons along the way.  The ones who make it through school,
> post-secondary education, etc. will be equipped to handle the REAL
> world, which will not give them any special consideration.  They need to
> learn to handle their "differentness" without help.
> I "suffer" from Asperger's Syndrome; I grew up with it in the 80s and
> 90s, before the every-kid-has-got-a-disorder craze kicked in (it started
> with ADD and Ritalin, and then new kid on the block is autism).  I knew
> that I was an odd one, but I hid it well, and I didn't know what the
> cause was until an English shrink spotted the signs (and she didn't spot
> them until, well, we started sleeping together -- you get pretty good at
> playing the stupid social games that "norms" play, even if you don't
> understand their purpose).  It's not like there's anything anyone can do
> about it, but it's always good to know that you're not a latent
> psycho-killer, you just think differently, and value different things,
> and you're not the only one.
> Anyway, this is not meant to turn biographical.
> Somehow, in this country, equal-opportunity has turned into
> equal-everything, which is a sad transformation.  Education is one of
> these areas that turns my stomach -- face it people, some people are
> just smarter than others.  But as George Carlin pointed out, we are
> afraid to call people "stupid" in this country -- everyone's got some
> sort of "learning disability".  We're trying to squeeze pegs of all
> sizes into the round hole, and the end result is a continual
> dumbing-down of our high-school graduates.  It's EMBARRASSING.
> Special-needs kids fall into this category, and I stated in my two
> bullet-points above.  Either you've got the skills to survive in the
> world as it is, or you don't.  If you're coddled, you never develop the
> skills.  Ultimately it's a self-defeating tactic.
> Palin's baby Trig is especially disturbing.  She WILLFULLY brought a
> child into the world, knowing that it would present a burden rather than
> a contribution to society.  She did this because she believes that an
> invisible man in the sky wants her to do this, and if she doesn't do
> what he says, she's going to burn in eternal fire.  And now she's trying
> to say that it's society's responsibility to help people carry that
> burden..... am I the only one who is dumbfounded?
> It's bad enough that the government asks us to pay for other people's
> children to begin with.  We're dealing with population pressures as it
> is, and people who can't keep it in their pants get TAX DEDUCTIONS.  And
> they want to increase those deductions!  Honestly, if you want to
> reproduce, be sure you can afford to cover the costs of the kid.  Don't
> make me eat the difference, thankyouverymuch.  (And don't get me started
> on the welfare system, where we PAY people to reproduce..)
> And, back on point, if you have a disabled kid, don't make me pay for
> self-defeating coddling programs.
> C.
> --
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