[Coco] Decipher this code!

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz dennis-ix at maltedmedia.com
Sun Oct 5 19:54:09 EDT 2008

At 07:21 PM 10/5/2008, you wrote:
>They printed the listing with a printer that mangles the character set.

The listings were usually printed with a Radio Shack daisywheel, and 
here it's correct. On the other hand, the article texts were done 
with a phototypesetter -- this was before most small computers were 
used for final publishing right to film. Articles were proofed from galleys.

The Electric Pencil files (used for my articles, and done on a Model 
I) were fine, but this was apparently a different source (too long 
ago for me to remember) and translated incorrectly. Shades of early 
PC/Mac issues! Nobody caught it in proofing -- which is probably my 
fault, since I was doing most of the final proofing.

In retrospect, I'm aghast. One of my points of pride in more than 800 
articles and eight books, plus magazines and editing publications, 
has always been compulsive accuracy. Subject line above appropriately 
corrected. :)


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