[Coco] [coco]Re: Glenside CoCo~123 Newsletter

Willard Goosey goosey at virgo.sdc.org
Mon Mar 17 04:59:47 EDT 2008

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 11:58:42AM -0600, George Ramsower wrote:
> Never in my wildest dreams would I've thought that GCCC would spam me.
> Well, here it is....
Heh, they're finally getting modivated to do something about the
huge mess that is the driver for the Glenside IDE, as part of this
they're sending the newsletter to anyone with the IDE controller "with
IDE updates as they come."

If this bugs you (and it bothered me a great deal when I got an issue
of the newsletter emailed me -- I'm on dialup) let Swoger know and
they'll stop.

Really, there's no need to get all murderous about it.  

Willard Goosey  goosey at sdc.org
Socorro, New Mexico, USA
"I've never been to Contempt!  Isn't that somewhere in New Mexico?"
   --- Yacko

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