[Coco] Nintendo DS port of XRoar

Ciaran Anscomb cocomalt at 6809.org.uk
Fri Mar 28 14:05:11 EDT 2008

I'm not sure if anyone on this list uses it (it only does CoCo 1 & 2,
so maybe not many), but in case anyone is interested, I've got the DS
port of XRoar running really rather nicely.

Sound is much improved, display is synced up properly (neat display hacks
to prevent flicker when emulating 50Hz machines) and it's all DLDI-enabled
(some DS flash carts need applications to be patched to access files -
DLDI provides a standard way of doing that).  I am terrible at user
interfaces, but what's there is kinda useful.

Binaries here (along with the rest of them):


Ciaran Anscomb, Perl/C Hacker

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