[Coco] Server upgrade

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz dennis-ix at maltedmedia.com
Sat Mar 8 08:52:55 EST 2008

Hi all,

Some of you may have noticed a maltedmedia coco list glitch for a few
hours on February 29. Our server's hard drive failed. We were restored
from backup (those folks at Pair Networks http://pair.com/ are fast &
fantastic  - they're the folks to use if you need a web host). In order
to get everything working well, we upgraded the chassis (in service
since 2001), drive, and RAM (to 2G) and will put in place a shadow drive
shortly to reduce restore time (replacing the OS and automated
restoration of 40GB from network backup took nine hours on February 29).

The expense for maltedmedia and all the domains (including kalvos.org,
composers21.com, voxnovus.com, vtnursenet.org, nonpopradio.com, and 32
other domains) is borne pretty much by me personally, with occasional
contributions, most of which used to come from our radio show that went
off the air in 2005.

The cost for all the current upgrades is about $650. I am asking
everyones who uses the servers to contribute a very small amount. If
every regular user from all the domains contributed just $1 once a year,
it would cover these costs and even leave some for the monthly server
rental charge.

The last time I asked for assistance on the coco list was in May 2004
when the hard drive ran out of space, so it's not a frequent request!
It's been reliable for all of you (with more than 35,000 messages
exchanged since we stepped in for the lost Princeton service), and I
hope you've been satisfied with it.

PayPal to bathory at maltedmedia.com or kalvos at kalvos.org would be most

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz
(Coco list owner/admin)

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