[Coco] CoCo Deep Vision Glasses

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Sun Jun 15 13:48:17 EDT 2008

On Jun 15, 2008, at 12:38 PM, Paul E. Jones wrote:
> You can get 3 pairs for "free" for $2 here:
> http://www.3dglasses.com/

There are variations of anaglyph 3-D.  There is the "red/blue" and  
"red/cyan" (which is a lighter blue). I'm not sure which ones Warp  
Fighter 3-D was designed to work with.

I've done quite a bit of 3-D home video ( http://3d.disneyfans.com )  
and have used both types, but I don't know if I ever tried that game  
with actual 3-D glasses.

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