[Coco] Slot Pack 3, MC-1, etc.

Mike 0rtloff underserf at comcast.net
Mon Jul 14 11:56:59 EDT 2008


Didn't see any images, ever, on the list - must be the MIME setting 
on the listserver... fixed it.

No filters set, images received constantly from several other 
sources, manual spam trapping.

I thought the list was searchable - doesn't look like maltedmedia.com 
archives the images.

If a repost wouldn't choke the list bandwidth, I =should= see it now, 
but direct email to me works too ;)

Thanx for the info, I had figured Tom just got too busy. :)


> > Did I miss something? Did Tom post the Slot Pack III pix 
> somewheres already?
> >
> > =M0=
>He did, over the weekend!  19-some-odd emails of pics.  It might be that
>your client/mail provider/spam filter/whatever removed them.  I can post
>them on el-interwebo if you want?
>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

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