[Coco] HD floppy controller update: success!

Chuck Youse cyouse at serialtechnologies.com
Sat Jul 5 19:15:30 EDT 2008

On Sat, 2008-07-05 at 15:19 -0500, Joel Ewy wrote:

> Hopefully the slightly longer leads wouldn't become little ratio
> transmitter towers, but I suppose that would be a possibility.  I've
> certainly seen long socket leads used in things like CPU accelerator
> boards and memory boards for the Amiga 1000, and those running at 8MHz
> -- though I see a 24MHz crystal in there.

I wouldn't worry about the 24MHz, it's just for clocking for the FDC.
As long as you don't use, you know, foot-long wires you should be
fine. ;)

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