[Coco] [coco] Coco CNC

George Ramsower georgeramsower at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 00:29:13 EST 2008

 I just finished a test with Basic09.

 The book says that if you "pack" a program, it will run faster.


 I ran a series of four routines to move all three axis back to the home 
position. One calls upon the other three.

 Running the same routine from Basic09, it took 2:41 (minutes/seconds)
 Running the same routine with a "Packed" procedure, it took 2:41 

 I can see the advantage of having it packed into a procedure if RunB and 
the procedure is in memory and it will be called upon often. However, for 
development purposes, there is no advantage in packing this stuff. It goes 
no faster if packed.


 I've also learned that the multitasking in OS-9 is not what it purports to 
be.  If I run procedures in more than one window, it does each one in about 
1/5 second increments. Maybe more time on each one. I'll have to test this 
accurately to see what it really does, I'm only guessing right now.

 I still love this OS and I would't trade it for the world!

 I can see that usiing interupts is the way to go for REAL multitasking.

 Alas, Basic09 is my thing and I will have to live with it until I have time 
to learn assembly language. But for now, I'm really busy making this CNC 
machine do what I need. Learning assembly would totally shut down the 
progress on this CNC machine until I learn how to do a new programming 
language. So, Basic09 it is.

 Another bummer.

 So far, I'm really pleased with how this thing is working. Accuracy is as I 
wanted, repeatability is EXACTLY what I wanted and the thing really looks 
 Soon, I'll have to take it apart and paint it. Yet another bummer. However, 
it must happen...  I think.
 I'm not so sure I need to do that. WD-40 will protect it and it will always 
be indoors. The steel parts are only in the frame work and the imortant 
parts are either stainless, aluminum or brass. So, perhaps it's okay the way 
it is.

 I'll post the generic programs to operate this thing to the website when I 
get a chance.


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