[Coco] Assembly help: Corrupted bin file ?

Fedor Steeman petrander at gmail.com
Wed Dec 17 02:30:19 EST 2008

Hello everyone,

I am still trying to learn assembly language but keep on running into

I have been trying to have the following source code assembled:

VIDRAM  EQU     $0400     *Start of Video Display location
V0CLR   EQU     $FFC0        *Clear bit for Sam Chip (Graphics mode)
V1SET   EQU     $FFC3        *Set V1 bit in Sam Chip (Graphics mode)
V2SET   EQU     $FFC5        *set V2 bit in Sam Chip (Graphics mode)
VOFSET  EQU     $FFC6       *Display Offset Binary, This is the CLR Bit
(Video page offset)
VDGSET  EQU     $FF22        *PIA1 data port B: VDG Control output
POLCAT  EQU     $A000        *Color Basic rom poll keyboard routine

        ORG     $21FD
        LDX     #VIDRAM   *331D: 8E 04 00
        LDD     $AAAA     *3320: CC AA AA
Z3323   STD     ,X++      *3323: ED 81
        CMPX    #$1C00    *3325: 8C 1C 00
        BCS     Z3323     *3328: 25 F9
        NOP               *332A: 12
PMODE4  STA     V0CLR     *2787: B7 FF C0
        STA     V1SET     *278A: B7 FF C3
        STA     V2SET     *278D: B7 FF C5
        LDA     #$F8      *2790: 86 F8
        STA     VDGSET    *2792: B7 FF 22
        STA     VOFSET    *2795: B7 FF C6
        JSR     [POLCAT]  *332E: AD 9F A0 00
        RTS               *3332:

Using Roger Taylor's CCASM (as included in RainbowIDE) I get the following
binary file:

00 00 24 21 FD 8E 04 00 FC AA AA ED 81 8C 1C 00
25 F9 12 B7 FF C0 B7 FF C3 B7 FF C5 86 F8 B7 FF
22 B7 FF C6 AD 9F A0 00 39

When I try to run this binary file using the VCC emulator I get an error
message stating that the binary file is corrupt.

Can anyone help me try to understand whether there is anything wrong with my
source code, the assembler (i.e. the resulting binary file) or the emulator?

Thanks in advance!


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