[Coco] Amazing!

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sat Aug 30 12:46:08 EDT 2008

On Saturday 30 August 2008, wdg3rd at comcast.net wrote:
>My local pharmacist won't sell me the jars of potassium nitrate I used to
> purchase regularly when I was in junior high.  40-odd years later and
> somebody invents the damned TSA and anti-PATRIOT Act.
First, we kill all the lawyers..

>Yeah, there are a few horse farms around, even in North Jersey, so I could
> go gather and reduce the niter the old fashioned way (La Esposa would NOT
> like the smell).  But I'm getting old and the TSA is still watching.
>I'm on the No-Fly list because of my politics, not because I made explosives
> back when I was a kid and it was legal.  Though there's a possible
> connection between my youthful activities and my older attitudes.  (Odd
> thing is, I never fired a rifle until years after I stopped making bombs,
> and I'd never use a bomb as a weapon -- bombs kill uninvolved bystanders
> and a rifle kills only who you're aiming at -- but the USAF wasn't awarding
> marksmanship ribbons when I qualified for one in Basic).
>Two months until election day -- vote from the rooftops.

Now there is a thought.  And probably just as valid a vote. Permanency you 
know. :)

>Oh yeah, I had a few beers before I went to bed and the sun in my eyes woke
> me up much too soon, so it's probably a good idea to ignore this message
> and any advice given.  La Esposa is down in Atlanta for the weekend so I
> guess I'll visit that horse farm down in Burlington and scrape crystals off
> of the stable walls. --

What are we constructing this time?  Wouldn't some American Pioneer work just 
as well?  Its certainly working in my charcoal burners.  All 3 of them.

>Ward Griffiths    wdg3rd at comcast.net
>"What I know [about the art of the sword] boils down to this:  If you see a
> guy running at you with a sword, put two rounds in his chest to slow him
> down, then one into his brain to finish him off".  Aaron Allston, _Sidhe
> Devil_
> -------------- Original message ----------------------
>From: Jim Hickle <jlhickle at yahoo.com>
>> You can get it at a drug store (ask the pharmacist, not the teenager at
>> the front checkout).  You could buy it yourself from Apothecary Products,
>> but they have a $50 minimum order.
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>Coco at maltedmedia.com

Cheers, Gene
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