[Coco] Yoicks!

James Hrubik jimhrubik at earthlink.net
Sat Aug 16 12:07:10 EDT 2008

Boisy, Mark, Roger, all of you that have done and don't just talk ...  
we love you.  Hang in there.

All hounds gots ticks.  Don' keep 'em from huntin' none.

+||||||      HRUBIK APPRAISAL SERVICES     |||||||+
+||||||            James C. Hrubik, Sr., RAA            |||||||+
+||||||         Appraisal & Appraisal Review        |||||||+
+||||||        Consulting & Litigation Support      |||||||+
+||||||                  V/F-(330)745-8435                  |||||||+
+||||||                    C-(330)472-3023                   |||||||+
+||||||               jimhrubik at earthlink.net             |||||||+
+||||||         http://www.hrubikappraisal.com      |||||||+

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