[Coco] again 3.5" drive

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Tue Apr 22 15:17:10 EDT 2008

On Tuesday 22 April 2008, Diego Barizo wrote:
>Once I was sure that the 3.5" drive was working OK, I went fishing for a
>cable that would let me connect 1x 5.25 + 1x3.5 drives
>Got one that is like this
>3.5           5.25          3.5          5.25
>(unused)    controller      drive        drive
>When I connect just one drive, the 3.5 acts as drive 1, and the 5.25 as
>drive 0
>But when both are connected, and I try to access drive 0, both drives
>light up.
>I removed the D0 jumper from the 5.25 (It had both D0 and D1, now just
>D1) and now both light up when accessing drive 1.
>I'm guessing this has to do with jumper settings on the 3.5 drive
>(doesn't have real jumpers, but there are 4 holes in the circuit board
>in an area labeled DX, with pairs marked as 1 and 0, without any
>connection between them).
>But if it were jumpered, wouldn't it always react as the selected drive?
>Or as drive 0 if working as single drive?
>My final goal is to have the 3.5 as 0, and the 5.25 as 1...

AFAIK Diego, all 3.5 drives are factory programmed as drive 1, and the twist 
in the end section of the cable makes the one on the end of the cable drive 

Set the 5.25 as drive 1, and use a twisted cable with the 5.25" on the 
untwisted connector in the middle.  No terms on the 5.25" either.  

Theoretically that should work, but then we've all seen that sig that says its 
a long way from theory to practice. :-)

>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

Cheers, Gene
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