[Coco] Scanned in: "CoCo 3 Secrets Revealed" & www.OS9projects.com

Fedor Steeman petrander at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 05:37:01 EDT 2008

Hi Dean,

Great website! It is exactly what I am looking for. I have "inherited" a
large number of boxes with CoCo manuals, both originals and copies. Recently
I acquired an all-in-one scanner/printer with documentfeeder meaning
scanning in the copied manuals will be a blast. After scanning and
distribution I will throw the manual-copies out to recycling, because they
take up too much space. Your site will be perfect for trusting the resulting
pdf's to, as well as maltedmedia's ftp-server. I reckon the more copies of
the manuals are around, the better these are preserved for the future. I
will probably also put them on my own site.

I will assemble a list of what I have got at home and post it to the list,
so I don't waste time on stuff that is already scanned in.


On 08/04/2008, Dean Leiber <adit at nationsdial.com> wrote:
> Fedor,
>  A copy of that is already in the CoCo/OS-9 Archive, although It is
> labeled as being from Spectrum Projects.  I would like to get your copy as
> well for inclusion for the archive since it may be different.  Would you be
> willing to send me a list of all the stuff you have and are willing to scan?
> That way we won't reproduce each other's work, although a better scan than
> what is already in the archive is always welcome!  :-D.  Also I'd like to
> thank you for scanning CoCo stuff;I know its a lot of work and it is
> appreciated!
> Also, the CoCo/OS-9 Documentation Archive has finally found a home,
> although the website is still very rough around the edges and still a work
> in progress (I'm being kind here.) However, it does contain a list of most
> of the Magazines/newsletters acquired to date (as well as what's missing).
> Unfortunately I'm still working on the books, manuals, and product section
> (they're present  but out of date.)
> I expect to start having content to D/L within the next month or so.
> There's a lot of stuff to do and I'm still learning the website tools. The
> new address for the CoCo/OS-9 Archive is www.os9projects.com. Take a look
> around and please leave suggestions, tips, comments..  This is a community
> project so don't be shy! Fortunately,  I figured out the problems with the
> contact form and it should be operational now. So give it a try!
> Dean
> --
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> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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