[Coco] For Roger - Mary and the Butterflies

Andrew keeper63 at cox.net
Fri Apr 11 11:12:52 EDT 2008


A few days ago I got my copy of "Mary and the Butterflies" in the mail - 
I just played it for a few minutes (gotta dash to work soon!), and I am 
really impressed! While a fairly simple game, it really is polished and 
fun to play. The music and sound effects are really nice.

As a programmer, I want to see the routines (my understanding of 6809 
assembler is very rusty, though). My real interest lies in making some 
kind of BASIC assembler routing library to allow BASIC programs to 
obtain some of the same features as your game (mainly background music 
and non-flickering graphics, if not the speed).

Probably a pipe dream, though.

Thanks again for the game - I can't wait to see Jeweled!

-- Andrew L. Ayers
    Glendale, Arizona

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