[Coco] OT: On the "other" side of the coin...

Mark McDougall msmcdoug at iinet.net.au
Tue Sep 18 08:10:18 EDT 2007

Rogelio Perea wrote:

> ... for a *tenth* of what the seller is asking I probably would contemplate
> getting it :-)

eBay + Vintage Computers is often a source of amusement, frustration, 
outrage and bewilderment. I've seen it all, from USD$10000 prototype 
Dreamcast Zip Drives to USD$1000+ Apple IIs, USD$200 MC-10s and so on... 
right now someone wants USD$40 for five (5) unlabelled Apple II floppy disks!!!

My collection is pretty much complete now except for bits 'n' pieces such as 
a few cables, manuals and peripherals. And it's mighty frustrating to 
finally see one come up on eBay, only to see it go for a ridiculous price. 
There's a sucker born every minute - enough it would seem to create demand 
for the stuff I want! :O

I can't complain, I've been _very_ lucky with most of my collection...

TRS-80 Models I,4P - owned.
Dick Smith System 80 - *given* to me!
TRS-80 Coco 3 - *given* to me!
Tandy MC-10 - *thrown out* - works, I've since donated it on.
Apple IIe w/dual drives - *given* to me!
Apple IIGS (complete w/monitor, drives) - *given* to me!
Mac SE/30 w/network card - *thrown out* - works!
Commodore 64 - *thrown out* - works 100%!
Commodore A500 - *thrown out* - works 100%!
Commodore A1200 w/extras - purchased recently ($200).
Commodore A3000 - *given to me* - mostly works!
Timex Sinclair Spectrum clone - *given* to me!

Not bad huh?

|              Mark McDougall                | "Electrical Engineers do it
|  <http://members.iinet.net.au/~msmcdoug>   |   with less resistance!"

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